steps to success 3

2975 Hylan Blvd.
Staten Island, NY 10306

TEL: 718-351-7777

Temporary COVID
Hours: 7:30 – 6pm

Dear Families and Children:

My name is Beata Kozlovsky and as a mother of 2 children, as well as an educator, I am acutely aware of parents’ needs and wants from their children and more importantly from the care that is given to their child in their absence.

Children have been a part of my life since 2005 when I got my first experience working with special needs children. I have had the opportunity to work with different ethnicities of children and professionals in the field of education; always learning something new to better myself as a teacher and providing helpful insights into the different needs of children. I am a continuous learner and made a pledge to myself that I will continue teaching children for the hope of bettering their educational paths.

I finished my undergraduate schooling from Long Island University and then went on to obtain my Masters Degree. In addition, I completed a second Masters Degree in Special Education thus broadening my knowledge in child development and thexqir various learning styles.

I am eagerly anticipating the challenge of being a critical part of your child’s future. I love to see the children accomplish their personal goals and learning to appropriately interact in our world. Knowing that I played a vital part in this, gives me great satisfaction and a sense of achievement in my own personal goals.

I am looking forward to working with you, the parent(s), and developing a positive relationship. Trust is of the utmost important to me and I have full conviction that we will develop this relationship together with an open door to communication.

Respectfully Yours,

Beata Kozlovsky
Steps to Success Preschools

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