steps to success 3

1429 Hylan Blvd.
Staten Island, NY 10305

TEL: 718-979-4444

Temporary COVID
Hours: 7:30 – 6pm

Our curriculum was written by two of our directors as we specifically wanted it geared towards our unique demographic of students. We use a multitude of different approaches to relay the information we want our students to absorb. As educators, we are aware that all children learn differently, therefore our curriculum guides our teachers to not only teach across the curriculum but with a multi-sensory approach. Some children are visual, kinesthetic, or auditory learners and the majority of them are also ELL (English Language Learners) learners. Our curriculum incorporate a plethora of teaching methods so that each student is able to prosper and succeed.

Beyond academics, our curiculum also develops the whole child as we work on ADL(Activities of Daily Living) skills, pretend play, social-emotional skills as well as installing invaluable morals and ethics in our students. We achieve this as we participate in various charities, each one highlighting a different value we want to inspire in every student.

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There is an African proverb that states “it takes a village to raise a child,” here at Steps our directors, owners, and teachers all work together to ensure that your child receives not only the best education but also that their school is like a second home and that the staff is like their second family!