Directors Letter

Dear Families,

My name is Nina Nadvornaya and I am the Co-Director of Steps to Success VIII. I have been a part of the Steps to Success team since 2015. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, and a Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education. I began working at Steps to Success III as an assistant teacher and was soon offered the lead teacher position in that respective classroom. I began my journey as the head teacher of a two year old class, where the most imperative lesson learned was that a compelling educator is an everlasting student. As I learned to navigate groups of toddlers with various personalities and learning needs, I continued to learn from them and gain the experience necessary to be not only an effective teacher, but a dedicated and passionate educator who was able to provide a classroom that was truly a second home. In 2017, I was offered the managerial position at Steps to Success V, and this is what truly allowed me to broaden my skillset and helped me gain the insight necessary to promote an educational, caring, and thriving environment for children. While holding these various positions within the Steps to Success company, I have been able to view early education from different lenses and have learned the significance of creating a second home for our families; a place where children run to with a smile, a place where parents feel safe and trust to leave their most precious possessions; where teachers are excited to teach and children love to learn and grow! I am an educator who loves children and the magic that they bring to our world. At the cornerstone of my being, I am incredibly passionate about early childhood education and providing a setting that fosters children’s development and is fueled by love and support for every child andfamily. I am extremely gratefulfor this opportunity to be your Co-Director and I am thrilled to create yet another Steps to Success family with all of you at Steps VIII!

My name is Liya Sosnova and I am the Co-Director of Steps to Success VIII. My journey in Education started many years ago as a camp counselor where I truly discovered my passion for children. Later I became assistant director and was finally promoted to director at that particular camp. Some years later I had the opportunity to work with children on the spectrum. Interacting with these children andfamilies only reaffirmed my passion and love for children and education. It was with this love for children and the commitment to their educational growth and development that I walked through the doors of Steps to Success Vin 2017,where I was offered the position of Lead Teacher in a two-year-old classroom. I have learned that in order to be an incredible educator and mentor to your students, one must always be willing to learn and grow; and who better to teach you than your students. Throughout my continuing career in education, I have learned and grown from each encounter I have had with every child who has walked through my life and taught me what it is to love what I do so much. In 2019, I was promoted to a managerial position at Steps to Success VII. My time in management has allowed me the opportunity to share my abundance of knowledge and experience with the talented, driven and passionate teachers of Steps to Success, their students, and all of the incredible families who walk through our doors. I am incredibly thankful to have the opportunity to continue my journey of learning, growing, and sharing my passion for children and teaching within the doors of Steps to Success VIII, I lookforward to creating the same atmosphere that welcomes me!

Warmest Regards,
Nina Nadvornaya & Liya Sosnova